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Venus Remedies Limited - From 1989 to 2022
Venus Remedies Limited - From 1989 to 2022

Venus Remedies Limited, established and founded by Mr. Pawan Chaudhary, Chairman & Managing Director, in 1989 with the Vision to manufacture pharmaceuticals of the highest ethical standards to generate customer loyalty by alleviating human suffering. Today Venus is one of India’s prominent research-driven pharmaceutical companies and is among the top leading injectable manufacturers in the world. It has transformed itself from a low-margin parenteral manufacturer to an R&D-focused niche player in the high-growth super-speciality injectable segment. Venus has also been an active participant in infectious disease research in India and has an extensive portfolio of patented research products targeting Antimicrobial Resistance. Under the leadership of Mr. Pawan Chaudhary, the Company has the right blend of the spectrum, vision, talent, and capabilities that enable it to actualize its goal.

Research & Development

For every pharmaceutical company, R&D is its backbone. Venus Medicine Research Centre (VMRC), the R&D arm of your Company, is a fully equipped interdisciplinary drug discovery and development centre located in Baddi, Himachal Pradesh. Accredited with GLP, VMRC is committed to bringing to the world novel breakthroughs that cater to critical care and super speciality segments.

Approved by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), the VMRC team comprising research experts remains focused on developing solutions that address antimicrobial resistance, target delivery of anticancer drugs, and solutions for unmet medical needs in pain management.

VMRC has partnered with multiple research institutions, namely SEDA, UK, NORTIS, US, SINTEF, Norway, and Newcells Biotech, UK, for various purposes ranging from consultancy to joint experimentation and technology purchase.

Venus Remedies has more than 100 patents, 70 trademarks and 12 copyrights for its innovative research products worldwide.

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