Indo-German Workshop on Challenging Antibiotic Resistance

Venus became a part of the Indo-German Workshop on Challenging Antibiotic Resistance: Perspectives on Novel Tools & Diagnostics for Efficient Management, held in Harnack Haus, Berlin, Germany on 16-17th May, 2022. This marquee workshop was coordinated by Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Global AMR R&D Hub and German Center for Infection Research. The workshop brought top scientists from India & Germany to discuss ideas to tackle antimicrobial resistance. Mr. Anmol Aggarwal from Venus Medicine Research Centre delivered an invited talk at this workshop to share his insights about the antibiotic market in the Indian subcontinent.
Talk Abstract
"Anti-infectives is one of the largest therapeutic segment in India, and antibiotic consumption is the highest among all the countries. It is growing at a fast pace in the country. At the same time, India is also struggling with resistance problems due to multiple reasons. There is an increasingly urgent need for new antibiotics. Keeping in view the challenges unique to India, my talk focused on addressing the question - Is India a viable market for the new antibiotics?," Mr. Anmol Aggarwal, Lead, Strategy, Venus Medicine Research Centre.
Venus Remedies Limited has been among the very few R&D-based pharma firms worldwide focusing on AMR for over a decade. Our superbug-tackling solutions and last-line generic antibiotics have helped millions of patients worldwide. Through our antibiotic stewardship activities, we strive to prevent the spread of bacterial resistance.